For satisfied entrepreneurship

Successful business is based on satisfied entrepreneurship – people who shape and drive forward meaningful visions from the heart in joint cooperation.


With an intuitive understanding of human drives, we create powerful visions and, as dynamic free spirits, combine lightness with determination for authentic success.


With a strategic mindset and a connection to natural forces, we strive to understand and develop the essence of organizations to achieve authentic and sustainable results.


With passionate commitment and clear determination, we connect people and their heart energy to lay bold foundations for transformative and evolutionary developments into the future.


Foto von Claudia-Schubert-Otto, Expertin für schwierige Herausforderungen

Claudia Schubert-Otto

Expert for complex challenges

Through transformative approaches, we create an environment in which happy entrepreneurship can flourish.

We foster meaningful visions and vibrant communities by inspiring and empowering entrepreneurs and leaders to unleash the power of their heart. Through this process of transformation, we lay the foundations for a sustainable and fulfilling economic future.


Nadja Mittelbach

Thuringia / Germany
Counterpartner of Global Power GmbH as consultant and coach

Matthew Gladney

Chicago / USA
US counterpart of Global Power GmbH in our USA programs

Christian Frick

Baden-Wuerttemberg / Germany
Member of the Advisory Board of Global Power GmbH


We analyze and visualize

Your business challenges and opportunities to drive transformative change and sustainable growth in your organization.

We advise and develop

with heart and mind to transform your vision into a tangible strategy that achieves both economic success and social value.

We train and accompany

leadership skills and team power in your company, inspire heart power and promote effective growth.

We support and network

We support your company in establishing international business relationships and promote development and preparation for international markets.

Contact us and benefit from our networks!

Consent to data storage and data processing

6 + 14 =

Im Rahmen der Beratungsrichtlinie des Freistaats Thüringen erhält unser Unternehmen eine Förderung für Beratungen und Prozessbegleitungen. Diese unterstützt Strategien zum Aufbau und zur nachhaltigen positiven Entwicklung und Sicherung von KMUs. Die daraus resultierenden Ergebnisse und Handlungsempfehlungen werden in einem Beratungsbericht festgehalten. Die Förderung erfolgt aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds Plus und aus Mitteln des Freistaats Thüringen.