The Visionary

It is always the adventurers who achieve great things.

Foto von Claudia-Schubert-Otto, Expertin für schwierige Herausforderungen

Claudia Schubert-Otto

Visionary and satisfied entrepreneur / born in Thuringia

„As an ambassador, visionary and adventurer, I travel the world and inspire entrepreneurs and people in companies with my skills and experience, accompanying them in their corporate development. You shape your visions with me, and together we work out targeted and feasible plans so that the visions can unfold freely – a satisfied entrepreneurship.

I have walked the path to “satisfied entrepreneurship” myself – with all the ups and downs you can imagine.

My S.T.A.R.K. Values

Each of them has a personal meaning for me and my vision designs:


helps me to develop clear visions.


is my inner motor.


makes me satisfied and happy.


I need to pause, reflect and think.


I get through my healthy body and mind.
From this, my team and I have developed our meaningful and goal-oriented S.T.A.R.K. tools for our clients worldwide, with which we want to bring entrepreneurs and their employees forward – making them strong and satisfied, equipping them with strength and determination so that they can perform and withstand external influences and stresses.

In our Academy, we provide enough space for each company to shape its own individual S.T.A.R.K. companions.

Incidentally, “company” comes from “to do something”.

It is now time to prepare your journey, to awaken your longings, to clearly formulate your vision, to plan the itinerary to that place, to get the crew in shape and develop them into a strong team, to set sail and create a strong spirit of departure.

What could be better for me as a visionary than going on an exciting adventure – because adventures teach us what we can do and how far we can go.

It’s up to you.

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